I’ve known Jeremy since he was in elementary school, I met his mom, Janet, when I first moved to Chicago in 2001 and she has become a lifetime friend. In fact, her family gave me adoption papers one year for Christmas, so I’m officially a sister.
We are so excited for Maria and Jeremy and their life together!!
Jeremy and Maria were married in the yard of what we affectionally call “the tiny house”, it’s been a work in progress for over a year and this was just the push that was needed to get it ready to live in. Jeremy and Maria plan to move into the house after the wedding.
The weather was iffy a few times throughout the day and it did sprinkle for a little while right when the ceremony was supposed to start – I had been watching the weather and it looked like the radar opened up and split right over the location we were at – we felt very lucky that it turned into such a beautiful day. The ceremony was delayed, but the rest of the day was perfect.
The entire day was a family event. Everyone helped with the amazing food, set-up, decorating, clean-up and making the yard beautiful. Jeremy’s uncle Andy was the DJ and the ceremony was performed by Uncle John. Aunt Laura made the AMAZING cake with all edible decorations!! Jeff and I were honored to capture all of the details and be the official photographers. It was so fun to be there as guests as well as photographers.
Congratulations Maria and Jeremy, we are so happy for you and so excited for your future together!! Thank you for trusting us to capture your special day and for letting us be a part of your family!! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the two of you!!