To the Johnson family, I loved meeting you and your extended family, it reminded me so much of my family and spending time with all of my siblings.

For me, the hardest part of doing extended family sessions is trying to remember all of your names. I’ll share a little secret with you, –  I am HORRIBLE at remembering names. I always have been. ALWAYS. It’s been a struggle my whole life. I’ve tried all kinds of tricks, I look up names on my way to sessions, I try to memorize them in age order, I try to make up tricks and songs to remember ALL the names. I repeat them to myself over and over again….and I have them down really well, and then I get to the session and I’m trying to make sure the light is right, and show you how to pose, and make sure my camera is all set right and connect with you and then…..I CAN’T REMEMBER your NAME!!!! And, I am SO SORRY!!! I try really, really hard, but they get all mixed up in my head. 

So, I apologize if I call you the wrong name, or I don’t use your name, or it takes me half of the session to get it right. I am trying really hard to learn how to remember your names. If you know any great secrets, send them my way!!!

I had such a great time with the Johnson extended family, these little kids were ADORABLE together!!! It took them a while to get used to me, but once they warmed up I think they would have been happy to let me take photos forever. And I got SO many great ones of them.

Thank you for letting me capture your family – I loved meeting you all and working with your family, even if I can’t remember who is who 😉!!!

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