Oh my word, this family was SO fun to work with. The littlest one is a spitfire and she kept us on our toes all night….you’ll see in the photos that she caught some grasshoppers and wanted to kiss them {ewe!} and then she wouldn’t put them down because they were going to get away! Oh man, she was so cute!! I love how their photos turned out, but more than that I love the relationships and love them showed to one another. Their children came to them in all different ways {biological, adopted, foster care} and I couldn’t tell you which is which because they love them all equally.

Thank you for giving me a glimpse into your world and letting me capture you sweet and rambunctious family!! This first one is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE from the night! {But I really love them ALL!}

This one is probably my second favorite…..oh that sweet face….and that gross bug!! 🙂
Good job mom and dad, you’ve got your hands full and you are doing an AMAZING JOB!!!!

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