I woke up the morning after Thanksgiving to a text that said “So, this happened last night” and a picture of an engagement ring. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I had just been with Andy and Chris the night before and I did not get the feeling that this was going to happen so soon – I’m pretty sure she was in shock for several days as well!! If you know anything about Christine, you know she’s a planner. EVERYTHING is planned out in her life, and Andy swooped right into her life and threw off her careful planning – in ALL the best ways!!

Christine has been like a sister to me for many years, in fact she was the first person I texted when my ex-husband told me he wanted a divorce, and her house was my save haven for the first few days of trying to figure out what I was going to do. She felt safe to me. She know what I was going through, she knew exactly how I felt and she was there with open arms to catch me when I was falling.

To say that I am EXCITED for her doesn’t even come close to how I feel about her having a second chance and finding love again. Earlier on the day of their engagement photos, we had a bridal shower for her and she smiled from ear to ear as we talked and laughed and dreamed about their life together. During their session, they were like two giddy teenagers, falling in love for the first time. It was a pure joy to watch them together. Their love and light was infectious and they radiated hope and happiness.

Andy and Christine, I am SO, SO happy for you. I am so grateful you found each other and that you gave love a second chance. I’m so excited to photograph your wedding day and I can’t wait to see what the future will bring for you and your family!!

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