I was literally sitting here working on this blog post when I saw on Instagram {because I’m always totally distracted and checking social media}, that Stephanie and Jake were finding out what they were having RIGHT NOW!!!!

SO, I waited patiently {probably not really} and then messaged her so I could find out and tell you all:

IT’S A BOY!!!! Stephanie says she’s felt like it was a boy for a while and that everything looks great and he is healthy!

I’m so excited for you!!

I remember when I found out I was having a boy, I won’t lie, I was disappointed. I had been feeling like it was a boy, but I guess I was hopeful that my gut feeling was wrong and that somehow it would end up being a girl. I’m not sure why I thought I wanted a girl so badly, I mean they are cute and they have so many more clothes and accessory options, but boys aren’t so bad, right? I mean besides the fact that I got peed on more in the first month of his life than I ever want to think about again!

And, it turns out that boys aren’t so bad. I love my 19 year old boy so much!!

Jake and Stephanie, if I could go back and tell myself anything if would be this. Cleaning, laundry, dinner and everything else that seemed so important can wait. Your baby will grow up so fast and you only have a few short years with him, savor every moment. Play with him. Take him on adventures. Learn to say no to other things that take you away from the time you have together. Work together as a team. Be supportive of each other and give each other a break when they need it. Be Patient, and most importantly love that little one with all of your heart. He will disappoint you, he will make mistakes, he will break your heart, and the most important thing that you can ever do for him is to love him with everything you have.

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!!!

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