You drive 9 hours to take pictures with your photo obsessed friends!!

Two of my photography friends, Emily Broadbent Photography and Stephanie Marie Photography mentioned on Facebook that they were organizing a styled shoot in St. Louis the following week. I casually commented that I wanted to come…..and of course, they both agreed that I should…, I dropped everything, drove 4.5 hours each way and went to St. Louis to take pictures for less than 24 hours, and it was AMAZING!!!

It was Emily’s anniversary, so she wanted to do something special, and over the top….because that’s what we do as photographers…and once the idea started to roll around, it picked up momentum, and became something EPIC!! What started as a fun anniversary shoot, ended up with a 67 convertible Mustang, flowers, tulle skirts, a guitar and 8 photographers!!


I worked half a day, left early and met them at our first location. We started the night in the city with Joe and Mitzi. They were SO FUN and so photogenic, but I think we might have overwhelmed them with our 8 photographers. Someone walking down the street asked us if they were in a magazine, which they totally could have been, because they are GORGEOUS!!!!! Joe was such a great sport and I think he might have even been having a good time by the end of the session!! Right Joe?

After we finished their session, we drove to a park with the most perfect view and an amazing sunset. Emily and Jesse were SO fun in front of the camera. Their love is visible to everyone and you can tell that Jesse would do ANYTHING for her. Watching them was so sweet, and such a good reminder that true love does exist.

But seriously, can it get any better than that tulle skirt and those flowers? I really don’t think so!!

That night, we stayed up way too late editing pictures and got up way to early to do my hair….but come on, can you blame me? Look at what Stephanie did, it’s AMAZING!!! Not only is she a talented photographer, but she’s an AMAZING HAIRSTYLIST too!!! My hair has never been so AWESOME!!

When I told them I wanted to come, I asked them if they would take me to the city to see the arch {I’ve never been to St. Louis} and take a few pictures…..which turned into 200, because we’re crazy like that, but I love them all SO much!!

I was in St. Louis for less than 24 hours. I drove 9 hours to get there and back. We took 3,000+ pictures….and I would do it all again tomorrow if I could. I love these girls so much. Their positive, uplifting attitudes are contagious. They were exactly what I needed, and I can’t wait to go back….which will be in a few weeks to help Emily with a wedding!! YAY!!!

And EVERY one LOVES to see the back of the camera….especially when you’re the one being photographed! Believe me, it’s very different when you are the one in FRONT of the camera, but my advice would be to get in front of the camera AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, I have found that I am more comfortable directing my clients, I am better able to explain to them what I’m asking them to do and I’m better at knowing what looks good on camera because I’ve been in front of the camera a lot lately!!!

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