When Sarah contacted me again to do family pictures I was so excited, I did their family session last winter and it was one of my favorites! I was excited that they wanted to go back to Lilacia Park where they were married. I was a little disappointed that all of the liliacs had already bloomed and the next phase of flowers weren’t in bloom yet. We were hoping for more color, but we made it work and I love how their pictures turned out.

It’s evident to me that these boys love each other. It’s so sweet to see their love and their sweet relationship together. As you can see, nobody like little PJ at all and he obviously didn’t have any fun playing while we were shooting these photos. {insert sarcasm} His little smiles and cute laugh were so much fun to capture.

We took these photos on a 95 degree day, in the middle of the day {trying to avoid cranky time for PJ} and it was HOT! HOT! HOT! By the time we were done, I was so hot and sweaty, but I love how they turned out. I love the white against the green leaves and the trees. I love how relaxed and laid back they were, I love that they just let me capture them playing and having a good time. Natural, joyful, non-stress photos are my favorites!!

PJ had just celebrated his birthday so we also took a few in his birthday shirt and cape. He didn’t last long and I had to be quick, he was so hot and tired by the time we got to the end, but really can you blame him?

Happy Birthday PJ, Thank you Sarah and Peter for letting me capture your family again. I had such a good time with you all!

Next time, let’s do it on a little bit cooler day! 😉

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