I had no idea when I signed up for Amy & Jordan’s Photo classes a year ago how much it would change my life.  I’m really not being dramatic, I can’t believe the difference in my photos, my confidence, my workflow and my social life. I have met some of the most amazing, helpful photographers. #communityovercompetition I have been able to form friendships, that I didn’t even know I needed, with women who have a passion for photography as big {or bigger} than mine. I am able to ask them for help and suggestions; they cheer me on when I have something to celebrate and they encourage me when I’m struggling.

I wanted some new head-shots for my website, so we scheduled a meet up at the Naperville River Walk and took some fun shots of each other. It was so fun to see our different styles, to compare lenses, to swap ideas and to share our passion for photography. I’m pretty sure all the people who passed us thought we were completely crazy, and we might have looked like someone “famous” with 4 photographers taking pictures of each one of us at a time. We had so much fun finding new places to take photos, chatting about where the best light was, and enjoying our passion together.

After the pictures, a couple of us walked over to downtown Naperville and went to dinner at Rosebud – it was delicious! It was so fun to be able to chat and compare ideas with my new friends. I love so many of the photos and I had a hard time choosing just a few for my website – which is always a good problem to have!

Thanks girls for always cheering me on, encouraging me and helping me when I’m struggling. I am so grateful that I met each one of you and I can’t wait to meet up again for another photo session, you can never have too many photos, am I right?

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