OH. MY. GOSH. These might be my favorite pictures EVER, like I want to print them really, super big and put them on my own walls!! They turned out so adorable, and I can’t wait to see what Marie does with them!!! Everything was perfect, the lighting, the colors, the girls, EVERYTHING!!!! I could not have asked for more….except maybe a little more time….but then again, I got over 100 photos that I LOVE so I’m pretty sure I don’t need any more! ♥

I’ve always wanted to have little girls. I’ve always wanted to take pictures of little girls with flower crowns, tea cups, and pretty little dresses. I’ve always wanted pictures that look magical! Maybe one day I’ll to have my pictures taken with a unicorn, by my friend Sarah from Ivy Lane Photography.  {Oh, man that looks SO magical, do you think I’m too old for that?}

Never, right? You’re never too old to play, especially when it comes to dress up and make believe!!

The girls and I have been talking about doing “tea party” pictures for months {our schedules just never aligned when the weather was good}, but it finally happened, and it was magical!!! They were hilarious when we would tell them to “pretend” they were pouring the tea, or drinking tea, it’s a very good thing that all of the containers were empty, because we would have had tea everywhere!! They loved the flower crowns and their pretty dresses, but mostly they just kept asking us if they could have the cake yet! hahaha! Can you blame them, it was Nothing Bundt Cake after all!! And yes, we let them eat the cake when we were done!!

Thanks Marie for letting me love on these little hams. The way they say “wibowtee” is one of my favorite sounds in the whole world.

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