The Parker family is full of personality and you can bet that we captured it during their family photo shoot.  The light that night was BEAUTIFUL and I love the colors they chose, it made their photos so light and airy with that soft glowing light. This is one of my secrets when planning and scheduling your photo session. The best time of day is 1-2 hours before sunset, or 1-2 hours after sunrise. Morning is not really my time of day, so I tend to gravitate to evening and the soft, glowy light of sunset. Because the sun is lower in the sky, it’s not as harsh and doesn’t cast dark shadows. You can get gorgeous back lighting while not getting too much sun flair on your lens and the bokeh is amazing. While we were taking the ones of mom and dad, I kept telling them over and over how GORGEOUS that light behind them was and how pretty they were going to be in the photos! I just love being able to capture that light.

I especially love that they included some of their favorite things into their photos, the ones of them reading their favorite books is one of my favorites ever. I also love seeing the photo of them all holding hands and seeing how much they’ve grown since I met them many years ago – or maybe I’m just a little jealous of how tall they all are!! And the one of Seth with doggy, is SO sweet!!

Parker Family, thank you for letting me capture you this year. Thank you for being so much fun to work with each time I get to capture your family. You make my job so easy and you always give me genuine laughs and smiles. I love watching you interact with each other and I can tell that you really love spending time together as a family.

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