When Lauren contacted me to schedule her photo shoot this year, her only request was that we do them early this year, so it’s not FREEZING like it was last year!! Last year we had to re-schedule several times and ended up doing their family session on a freezing cold November day. This year was SO much better!!!

She was able to schedule their session at the Hinsdale Golf Course gardens, and look at those amazing flowers, it was BEAUTIFUL!!

I mean, flower garden goals for sure!!!

If you have a favorite local spot, don’t be afraid to ask if we can do photos there. Maybe it’s somewhere you never even thought of, or maybe it’s something you want to always remember. I love shooting in unique spots that remind you of special memories.

We met on a beautiful August evening, the weather was amazing, the light was perfect and these adorable sisters would have let me take their photos all night long, but who can blame them, I mean they are both beautiful!!! {along with their gorgeous mamma and handsome dad}

One of the joys of being a photographer is watching kids grow up, each year when I get to take their photos again I am able to see the changes in them and their maturity. I love to see them blossom and grow into young adults. It’s such a pleasure to be invited to be a part of your family for just a brief moment.

Rock Family, thank you for letting me spend a few minutes with you, thank you for letting me capture this chapter of your life, thank you for trusting in me and believing in my ability to capture these family connections. I had a really great time working with you and I can’t wait to watch the girls grow up and be able to capture their milestones in the future.


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