Nauvoo holds a special place in my heart. It’s where the Mormon Pioneers were driven out of their homes and land as they searched for a place to live in freedom. It’s the last place they settled before they trekked west to the SLC Valley. It’s a sacred place, if you’ve ever been there you feel the power and the pain of those early pioneers. My own 5th Great-Grandmother has a cabin there and was instrumental in helping the saints cross the plains. I was very excited when Girlie asked me if I would be willing to come to Nauvoo and take photos for their sealing day. They were married a year ago February, but being sealed in the temple was a very special day for their family.  As I entered the temple I was reminded of the first time I did work in this temple. I was so overcome with emotion and love for the early pioneers, and all the sacrifices they made that I cried big sobbing tears almost of the entire two hours. One of the sweet workers put her arm around me and asked me if I was going to be ok. I assured her that I was just overcome with emotion and gratitude for the early saints.

It was a very long day to drive 4.5 hours to Nauvoo, have the sealing, dinner and reception and drive back the same day, but it was nothing compared to the sacrifices of the early pioneers. I was fortunate that I was able to ride with a friend, so I didn’t have to drive {especially after having to work such a long, HOT day of taking photos!} It was SOOOO hot in Nauvoo. I mean HOT, HOT, HOT!! When I say hot, I really mean a 110 degrees with the heat index, I mean dripping sweat and uncomfortable heat that makes you wish you could jump in the nearest river! Toby had to keep drying his face off for the pictures, Girlie didn’t even touch her face for fear of rubbing all her make-up off. We were all a hot sweaty mess and totally completely exhausted by the time we were done with photos, but I’m pretty sure you can feel the love of these two just looking at their cute pictures. They had so many of their family and friends there, the sealing room was full despite the distance to get there. And, a very special thank you to my friend Marie who helped me all day long, mostly reminding me to keep drinking and eating! 🙂

Girlie and Toby, I am so excited for you and your new adventures together. I am so happy that you found each other and that you were sealed in the temple for all eternity. I pray for good things to come your way. I pray for health, happiness and a lifetime of love for your family!!!

  1. Minnie says:

    Amazing pictures! The beauty and joy of the people are palpable. The texture of the photos make them so real; it’s like I was there myself.
    Congratulations to the beautiful couple! Thank you for the warm feelings I got viewing your wedding pics.

  2. Olympia Cruz says:

    Wonderful couple❤Congratulations!!! You have the best photographer ever❤Thank you Liberty Cameron❤❤❤Great job😊

  3. Girlie Rose Sanders says:

    Looking at these photos make me sooo happy! Thank you for capturing these special moments. We are forever grateful for you! Once again thanks a million for a job well done! Highly recommended!!!

  4. Maureen Kawka says:

    Girlie and Toby –
    Congratulations on the celebration of your path together forever! What a beautiful first step. Enjoy the journey!

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