As my eyes caught her’s in the sealing room, tears of joy ran down both of our faces as all of her dreams came true. My heart was bursting for Christine, Andy, and their children. The joy and happiness on their faces as they walked out of the LDS Chicago Temple could be seen by everyone who waited outside. This was the culmination of many prayers, many miracles and many years of waiting. This is proof that God loves his children and wants them to find lasting happiness.  Christine and Andy were sealed for time and for all eternity on June 14th, and there was no other place I would have been than right there celebrating with them.

Several months ago, when Christine asked me {well, begged me really} to be their wedding photographer, I was very hesitant to agree. This was before Ryan & Jamie and Nick & Emily’s weddings, so I had only done a couple of weddings and I didn’t want to let her down.  I knew that I would there anyways, and I knew that I would want to be taking pictures, so after a lot of debate {in my own head mostly}, I told her I would do it….and I am SO GLAD I DID!!!!

Their wedding day was picture perfect from start to finish, we could not have had a more beautiful day to celebrate the joining of these two families. Every detail was so fun to photograph, every moment captured reminded me of God’s love for each of us and every time I looked at Andy or Christine they were looking at each other with huge smiles on their faces.

From the moment I arrived at her house that morning, until I left the reception late that night, it was a celebration!!! So many friends and family were there to celebrate their special day, their seven children swarmed around them when they were trying to cut their cake and one of the kids kept asking all night when the “party” was going to start {he was talking about the dancing}. It was such a fun day of love, light and celebration and I’m so grateful that I was able to be a part of it.

Andy and Christine, my heart is just bursting for you and your families. I am so blessed that I was able to be a part of your special day. I am so honored to call you my sister and to have had you in my life for the last 15 years.  You give me hope that there is goodness in the world, and your lives are a testament that after much tribulations come the blessings. Congratulations on your beautiful sealing day!!!

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