I’m getting a NEW sister-in-law!!!!!! (and if you can’t tell, I’m SUPER EXCITED!!!)

Skylar and Avery came to visit me in Chicago and while they were here we decided to take some engagement pictures. They weren’t “officially” engaged, but they were talking about wedding plans and picking dates {close enough, right?}. The only day we had time was the day they were leaving, so I took of work early and we took the photos on the way to the airport, literally. Avery changed out of her dress in the back of the van, when we got to the airport, so she didn’t have to fly home in it!! It was a cloudy, rainy day and I wasn’t sure we were going to get great images, but the sun peeked out at the end and I think they turned out beautiful. I LOVE the ones on the bridge, it’s becoming one of my favorite spots to photograph!

When I realized it was going to work out for me to go to Utah for the wedding, I told Skylar that I would LOVE to be able to take pictures of him proposing to Avery and that we could work it into another photo shoot. They wanted more dressed up photos anyways, so I said, “you should just propose while we were doing the pictures” and that is exactly what he did. We went to Tibble Fork and I coached him into the right moment and then stepped back and let him do his thing.  It was so fun to be a part of their special moment and capture their reactions. He was so nervous, and she wasn’t sure he was being real – I guess it’s a long standing joke and he’s really “pretended” to propose many times!!

But, this time, it’s for real……and she said YES!!! {he even went and asked her dad, so it’s really for reals!!}

We’ve all warned her about being a part of our crazy clan. We’ve all asked her if she’s ready for the craziness that is the McDonald family and she assures us that she is. {she’s been around us enough that I’m pretty sure she knows what she’s getting into!} We are all SO excited for her and Skylar. We are excited to see him married, although how in the world is he old enough for that, and we are excited to welcome Avery into our family!!

Skylar and Avery, I’m so excited for you and for your new adventures together. I’m excited for Avery to be a part of our family. I’m excited to watch you grow together. I love you both so much and can’t wait to capture your wedding in January!!

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