The Jackson family purchased this photo shoot at the Bolingbrook Ward YW Auction in the spring. We’ve been trying to schedule  it for a couple months but sweet Gracie has been super sick and we haven’t been able to make it work. I had some sessions schedule and asked them if they were able to come by at the end of the session and we would fit them in…..and it was PERFECTION!!!! That light, those outfits, everything about it was gorgeous!!!!

I love this family so much. I love to watch them with their sweet Gracie. I love to watch their interaction, their care and concern and it’s clear to me that Gracie is really the center of their world. They stepped in when she was little and took care of her when she needed them most.

In my photography journey, I can’t believe the amount of families I have met that have taken in children who need a home, whether it’s through fostering, adoption, or just being a willing family member during a difficult time. It’s such a blessing for me to be see their selfless service and love for these beautiful children. I know most of them have been in challenging circumstances and I know that it’s never an ideal situation to take them into your home and family. I am strengthened by your willingness to love them for whatever amount of time you are able to have them in your life. I am in awe of your ability to accept them right where they are and to show them pure, unconditional love.

Jackson family, my life is better because of you. I am a better person because I know you and I am so grateful that you have been a part of my life and my photography journey. Thank you for supporting me and for cheering me on, and Gracie that duck face cracks me up every time I see it!!

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