I LOVE the Jostes Family and I had such a great time hanging out with them in the city for their family photo session. So much fun that I want to plan my own family session downtown now. I LOVE the skyline, the ferris wheel, the colors of the lake, the sunlight, all of it!!!

Jessica moved here at a time that I really, really needed her. She was there for me during the most difficult time I’ve ever had. She has been a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold and a voice of reason in my life. I remember there was a period of time when every time I called her I was crying. I told her once that one of these days I was going to call her for a good reason, instead of to cry on her shoulder….AGAIN!  She teaches meditation and yoga and has given me some of the best tools possible to help me with my own mental and physical health. She has been such a blessing in my life, even when it is weeks between the time we talk to each other.

I just feel a connection and a kinship to Jessica and her family. Her little guy {the not so littlest one in the photos} was born the same week my mamma died. Every time I look at him, I’m reminded how long ago it was, and can’t believe it’s really been almost 3 years.

They don’t know how much longer they will live in the Chicago area, so they wanted to capture the city before they move. {whenever that may be, I wish it was never, but I’ve learned that in this area it happens ALL the time, so I’m trying to be ready}. I’m so grateful she asked me to capture their family in the city they love!!

Thanks Jess for everything. Thanks for being there for me and for helping me through some of the hardest stuff I’ve ever been through. Thanks for always answering my crying phone calls and never giving up on me. I hope it’s a very long time before I have to say goodbye to you and your family!!


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